LET’S 2014 – Leading Enabling Technologies for Societal challenges

Pubblicato il 29 agosto 2014
Organizzatore: CNR, APRE e ASTER
Sito evento http://www.lets2014.eu/index.php?id=1
Indirizzo email: info@lets2014.eu
Luogo: Bologna
Data Inizio: 29/09/2014
Data Fine: 01/10/2014

LET’S 2014 is an international Conference organised in the context of the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, with the Patronage of the Ministry of Education, University and Research, the Ministry of Economic Development and theMinistry of Foreign Affairs, and supported by European Union Funding for Research and Innovation.

LET’S 2014 will discuss the role of the Key Enabling Technologies pinpointed by Horizon 2020, the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, in bridging the gap between excellence in scientific and technological research, innovation in industry and access to the European and global markets.
LET’S 2014 is a conference bringing together more than 1000 delegates from all over the world to discuss how Europe can support the growth and the creation of new jobs and face Societal Challenges through new products, processes and services, creating opportunities for European actors.

LET’S 2014 will focus on the perspective of Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Advanced Manufacturing, Processingand Biotechnology and will point out how the industrial system should be able to develop the industry’s ability to integrate – through a systemic approach – creativity, culture, knowledge and competitiveness.