AES_4 2022

CONTROLLO Tecnica 96 Maggio 2022 n Automazione e Strumentazione The solution aims to guarantee a: • in-advance identification of potential deviations; • progressive building of all associated impacts; • repository for evidence elements of the changes root cause; • timeliness due to real time sharing, collaboration and visibility among all actors; • supported reforecast of Revenues and Costs, and management of Risks and Opportunities; • link with Requirements Management and com- ments to Project Deliverables. Vendor documents management Vendor Documents Management is a solution to facil- itate and make efficient the management of the docu- ments and comments exchange between Saipem and its Vendors. The solution provides a collaboration layer where Vendors upload and download the docu- ments issued, receive Saipem comments and respond or acknowledge them. Saipem users find a library of predefined, easy-to-tai- lor, Vendor Document Lists and a seamless link with the Electronic Document Management System where the comments to Vendor documents are origi- nated. A particular feature is the creation of a digital comments sheet to track all comments in the various phases of exchange with the Vendors. A dashboard displays in real time the situation of doc- uments and comments exchanged, for analysis on each supply or on overall project Vendor documents and comments status. Digital expediting The digitization of supply follow-up process stream- lines communications with Vendors, improves visual of project actors on the progress of the orders, and increase the predictability of delivery dates. The integrations with other solutions such as Digital Inspection and Vendor Document Management help the expediter to ensure the production process com- plies with the set deadlines and materials conform to requirements. The timely delivery of materials with the expected quality to the intended destinations benefits the effi- ciency of the construction activities at site. Digital supply chain This solution, inspired by the previously mentioned E2E Supply Chain Visibility, serves to oversee Ser- vices and Sub-contracts as well as to monitor the Mate- rial Status at the level of a single lot. It includes: 1) Service Status Report dashboard list- ing contracts per project with status, milestones, cash flow, delays, pending progress steps; 2) Material Sta- tus Report dashboard displaying the project material per batches with effective views to spot easily anoma- lies or criticalities. A tool for the management of each individual ser- vice contract completes a solution that substantially improves user experience and interface. Client portal This solution is a first brick to enable Client to access to the Saipem Platform and upgrade communication and information exchange. It is an entry point to: • a web repository to share official project corre- spondence and reports; • exchange and manage comments on project doc- uments; • digitalize action lists; • log, monitor, treat and closeout pending activities. Conclusion The proximity to the needs of Saipem operational pro- cesses and the willingness to relieve known common pain points have been the guiding principles. This focus has allowed to integrate existing digital tools, enhance information visibility, create conditions to encourage collaboration, broaden usability of data, reduce the likelihood of errors, and improve efficiency. The first projects are now beginning to adopt the new solutions. Of course, the journey is far from conclusion. Although this phase could appear the bare release of a bunch of new tools, it should be seen as a step in the building of a new Company culture . It is the challenge to spread the innovation that shall be faced now. n Un caso di trasformazione digitale Per avere successo in un mondo sempre più connesso e digitale, le organizzazioni devono trasformare i propri modelli di creazione del valore. Saipem ha avviato il suo programma di trasforma- zione digitale nel 2019 e ha definito un programma operativo. Sono state identificate le tecnologie abilitanti principali e i processi da potenziare. Nuove soluzioni digitali sviluppate con metodolo- gia Agile e tecniche di Design Thinking sono ora in fase di imple- mentazione.