
CONTROLLO tecnica Aprile 2020 Automazione e Strumentazione 90 Riccardo Babini Luca Ferrarini ESmartCity: digital techniques for energy optimization in Public Administration Recent years has witnessed significant progress in innovative comfort control strategies for small and large buildings in order to increase the overall building energy efficiency and improve the comfort level of building occupants. Due to the fact that air conditioning systems contribute significantly to the overall energy consumption in building sectors, a paramount importance lays on the improvement of the building struc- ture and thermal devices efficiency in order to optimize the required energy for heating and cooling systems [1] . 1. Introduction A multitude of advanced control strategies have successfully been developed in an acade- mic context [2] [3] . Such advanced controls are encountering known problems in permeating a wide range of application cases due to their com- plexity, which sometimes requires an excessive level of knowledge to be correctly implemented and managed by the interested user. By exploi- ting the real data acquired from a newly instal- led building sensor network over an academic building of Politecnico di Milano , a reliable simulation environment is developed. Through such a simulation environment, a multitude of control strategies are tested, so as to identify the ones which are able to provide the highest level of energy-oriented benefits while maintaining an acceptable level of complexity, thus maximizing the probability of permeation of such control strategies in a wide range of real applications. The case study here illustrated is a pilot of a big- ger project, ESmart C ity (EU Interreg MED pro- gramme) [4] . The main objective of the project is the improvement of the innovation capacity of the cities in the MED region by creating innova- tive ecosystems [5] , through 9 pilots in different cities in the Mediterranean area (namely in Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Serbia and Greece) using digital technologies and energy efficiency technologies to provide better services to the citi- zens with less environmental impact. The control techniques presented in this paper aim at optimizing the building energy con- sumption in function of its people occupation profile . In particular, the IoT network returns reliable measurements of both the classic con- trol variables used for the building management – such as temperature , relative humidity and C O2 levels – and the people occupancy profile. Such a new measurement is integrated over the currently operating building control manage- ment through a series of advanced control stra- tegies, which are able to apply the appropriate compensations in order to minimize the energy waste of the heating and cooling system. Moreover, by applying such a novel control strategies it is possible to increase the thermo- hygrometric comfort and air quality along with the results obtained on the consumption reduc- tion. In fact, as shown in this paper, the perfor- mance increase is not necessarily correlated to a consumption increase: a single advanced con- trol strategy is able to benefit both the criteria, reducing both the over-heating phenomena and the overall heating costs. The possibilities offe- red by the integration of the new IoT techno- logy over the classic control techniques repre- sent a fundamental key in the building energy impact reduction. 2. Building Analysis The case study site is represented by an acade- mic building of Politecnico di Milano, namely L'AUTORE R. Babini, L. Ferrarini - Politecnico di Milano, Via Camillo Golgi 39, 20133 Milano (MI) OPTIMIZING THE ENERGY BUILDING CONSUMPTION USING PEOPLE OCCUPANCY MEASUREMENT The present paper deals with the application of advanced digital and control techniques aiming at increasing the building energy efficiency. A real case study from Politecnico di Milano based on the installation of a multi-sensor IoT network is presented, which allows the introduction of multi-variable control techniques. A FIL DI RETE